Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously at Gemsquare. Therefore, we have developed a detailed privacy policy to explain how we treat the personal information you provide to us using our website.

By accessing our site and using our services, you accept the terms of our privacy policy. We describe how we collect, use and protect your personal information, as well as our use of cookies and other similar technologies.

We ensure that your personal information is protected and we are committed to complying with applicable data protection laws. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

By using our Gemsquare website, you agree to our privacy policy. We attach great importance to protecting your privacy.
Below we show you how we process your personal data and ensure its security, our use of cookies, etc.
Directory – Privacy policy
  1. Principle
  2. Service dedicated to data protection
  3. Collection and processing of personal data
  4. Purpose of processing personal data and legal bases
  5. Cookies, tracking and other technologies related to the use of our website
  6. Transmission of data to third parties
  7. Duration of retention of personal data
  8. Data security
  9. Provision of personal data
  10. Rights of the data subject
  11. Changes
1. Principle
Gemsquar places great importance on protecting your privacy. This statement sets out our privacy policy, i.e. the processing of personal data collected through our website or online services, or more generally, in the context of the services we provide.

We collect and process your personal data with the greatest care and in compliance with applicable legal provisions; their processing is limited to what is strictly necessary and only for the purposes described in this declaration. We keep your personal data only for the period necessary to provide our services or for the period provided for by law. In close collaboration with our hosts, we do everything we can to protect our databases from external intrusions, losses, misuse and falsification.

This declaration is based on the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Although GDPR is an EU regulation, it is of great importance to us. Swiss data protection law is heavily influenced by European law, and companies outside the EU or EEA are required, in certain cases, to comply with the GDPR.
2. Service dedicated to data protection
The service
Data Protection Legal Officer is responsible for compliance with current data protection legislation. For any questions relating to our privacy policy, you can contact us at the following address:
Gemsquare Marketplace
Kaplan SARL
Place des Alpes 2
1201 Geneva
3. Collection and processing of personal data
We mainly process the personal data that we collect as part of our service offering as an online marketplace Gemsquar, whether through our members, visitors, partners and hosts.

We also collect certain data from public sources or partner sites or freely accessible, in accordance with the law, for the conclusion or execution of contracts with you.

The data we process includes: username, general information relating to service preferences, information relating to each user's device, network and Internet connection (e.g. IP addresses, MAC addresses, other identifiers

We collect and process the following personal data to provide and improve our services: username, general information about service preferences, information about each user's device, network and Internet connection (IP address, address MAC, other device identifiers, device type, operating system, client version), information about the use of Gemsquar products and other interactions with our products, any other content that the user uploads, shares or created using our services, together with associated metadata. Other personal data may be exchanged between the parties involved, such as chat messages, images, files, audio or video recordings, contacts, and metadata used to maintain our services.
4.Purposes of processing personal data and legal bases

We collect your personal data primarily to improve and provide our services to our members, customers, visitors and partners. We also use this data to enter into and execute contracts with our customers and business partners, in particular for our research services and for the purchase of products or services from our suppliers and subcontractors, as well as to fulfill our obligations legal in Switzerland and abroad. If you work for one of our clients or business partners, your personal data may also be affected.

We will also process your personal data and that of others to the extent permitted by law and in our appropriate judgment for the following purposes, for which we (and sometimes third parties) have a legitimate interest:

The specific purposes of our data processingpersonal include:

  • Provide information about our offers, services, websites and other platforms;

  • Handle third party requests, such as applications and media requests;

  • Analyze our customers' needs for a targeted approach and collect public data for customer acquisition;

  • Provide advertisements and information about our offers and services, provided that you have not objected to the use of your personal data;

  • Conduct market research, opinion polls and media observation;

  • Exercise our rights and defend our interests in the event of legal disputes and administrative procedures;

  • Prevent crimes and wrongdoing by carrying out internal investigations and analyzing data to combat fraud;

  • Maintain the proper functioning of our services, such as IT infrastructure, our websites and our other platforms;

  • Ensure the security of IT, buildings and installations as well as the security of our employees, our data and our values;

  • Conduct online meetings.

We will only process your personal data if you have given us your explicit consent for specific purposes, such as subscribing to our newsletters or submitting requests via online forms on our website. However, we may process your personal data without your consent where there is a legal basis or just cause. You can revoke your consent at any time, but this will have no effect on data already processed.

When we process personal data in the context of the administration of industrial property rights, the law and ordinance inform us of the data to be processed and the form of processing. We are also required to inform the public about the protection titles in force in Switzerland and the associated personal data.

5. Cookies, tracking and other technologies related to the use of our website
5.1. Cookies and image elements

Our website uses cookies and other similar technologies to improve your online experience and to personalize your browsing experience. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer or mobile device when you access our website. They allow us to store information about your activity on our website, such as your browsing preferences and login information.

We may also use tracking technologies such as tracking pixels and device identifiers to collect information about your use of our website. This information may include details about how you interact with our website, the pages you visit, the links you click and the information you enter on our website.

You can control the use of cookies by changing your browser settings. However, some features of our website may not work properly if you disable cookies.

5.2 Monitoring and analyzes

By using our websites, we may track your activities to better understand how you use our services and to provide you with a personalized experience. For this purpose, we use tracking technologies such as tracking pixels and web beacons, which allow us to collect information about your use of our websites, your online behavior and your interests. This information may include data such as the pages you view, the links you click on, the search terms you enter, your IP address and other similar information.

5.3 Third-party tools

We also use third-party tools to collect and analyze data about the use of our websites, such as Google Analytics. Information collected by these third-party tools may be shared with us to help us understand the use of our websites and improve our services. Please note that these third-party tools may also use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of other websites.

By using our websites, you agree to the use of cookies, tracking and other technologies described above. If you would like to know more about the control options available for cookies and other tracking technologies, please consult your browser settings.

5.4 Google reCaptcha

We sometimes use Google reCaptcha on our websites to protect online forms. Google reCaptcha is a third-party service provided by Google LLC in the United States. We only process your personal data through the use of Google reCaptcha with your explicit consent. reCAPTCHA checks whether data entered on our websites, such as contact forms, is entered by a person or by an automated program. User behavior is analyzed for this purpose, using cookies and analyzing various particularities. Google may analyze information from form pages, such as the user's IP address, length of stay on the site and mouse movements. The data collected during the analysis is transmitted to Google. The use of Google reCaptcha complies with Google's privacy policies and terms of use. For more information, please visit Google reCAPTCHA .

5.5 Plugins

We also use social media plugins such as Facebook, Twitter, Xing or LinkedIn on our websites. The corresponding symbols can usually be seen. Plugins are set to be disabled by default. If you activate them by clicking on them, the data related to your visit to our site will be transmitted to the operator of the social network who may use them for its own purposes. The processing of your personal data then depends on the confidentiality policy of this operator. No information about you will be transmitted to us.

6. Transmission of data to third parties
We do not pass on, sell or otherwise transfer your personal data to third parties, unless this is necessary for the performance of the contract or our legal obligations or you have expressly given your consent. In certain situations, it may be necessary to transmit data to third parties due to legal provisions or administrative or judicial decisions.

The recipients of this data may be located in Switzerland or abroad. In cases where data is transmitted to countries that do not guarantee adequate data protection, we ensure that appropriate levels of protection are put in place through appropriate contracts or based on exceptions such as consent , execution of the contract, the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, overriding public interests, published personal data or the need to protect the integrity of the persons concerned.

You can request information on contractual guarantees at any time from the authority designated in Chapter 2. However, we reserve the right to black out copies of this information for reasons of data protection and confidentiality or to only provide extracts.

7. Duration of retention of personal data
We retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill contractual and legal obligations, as well as to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. This includes, for example, the duration of the business relationship and legal retention and documentation obligations. We may also retain your personal data for the period that claims may be made against us and because we are required to do so by law or by legitimate business interests. The data retention period is determined by applicable laws and is generally 5 years after the deletion of your account or your last connection to our website

Please note that data may still be visible in our records even after deletion, as we need to be able to provide information about past transactions.

8. Data security
We take adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or misuse. These measures include implementing security policies, training staff, implementing IT and network security solutions, restricting access to your personal data, encrypting data carriers and transmissions, pseudonymization and regular checks.
9. Provision of personal data
As part of our commercial relationship, you are required to provide the personal data necessary for the conclusion and management of this relationship, as well as the execution of all contractual obligations arising therefrom. The personal data required are clearly defined and limited to only the data strictly necessary to achieve the specified purposes. If you do not provide this personal data, we will generally not be able to provide our services to you as a Gemsquar marketplace and fulfill our legal obligations.
10. Rights of data subjects
In accordance with the data protection laws applicable to you, you have the right toinformation, rectification, erasure, limitation of the processing of your personal data as well as opposition to the processing of your personal data. Please note that we may be required to retain and process certain data, or have an overriding interest or need to exercise our rights, which may result in restrictions on the exercise of those rights. If fees are applicable, we will notify you in advance. You can also revoke your consent at any time, as described in Chapter 4. Exercising these rights may result in consequences such as early termination of a contract or the application of fees, and we will inform you of this at advance, unless provided for by contract or law.

To assert these rights, you generally need to clearly prove your identity. You can contact us at the address indicated in chapter 2 to assert your rights.

Every data subject also has the right to assert their rights in court or to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority. In Switzerland, the competent authority for data protection is the Federal Data Protection and Transparency Commissioner ( ).

11. Changes
We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time without notice. The current version is the one published on our website. If necessary, we will notify you by email or other appropriate means when this statement has been updated.