Sell On Gemsquare

Sell on Gemsquare

    • Sell as a professional on Gemsquare?

      Selling your jewelry with confidence on Gemsquare is simple and accessible!

      The status of “trusted seller” is reserved for professional sellers. To apply, please complete the Trusted Seller Status Application Form by following the link below. A qualified Gemsquar advisor will contact you to support you and finalize your registration.

      Once your request is approved and your subscription validated, you can start presenting your jewelry for sale on our platform. Please be assured that we place great importance on the safety of our customers, which is why we thoroughly check all items listed for sale by our trusted sellers.

    • Selling as an individual on Gemsquare?

      Join Gemsquar as a private seller by simply filling out the form available here .

      All jewelry from private sellers is subject to rigorous control and validation by our team, with the aim of guaranteeing the protection of our customers.

      Orders from private sellers must be shipped to Gemsquar to be carefully checked and authenticated, before being sent directly to customers through us.

      Please note that private sellers have the right to refuse any returns or refunds. It is important to emphasize that Gemsquar cannot be held responsible for any disputes arising between a customer and a seller.

      Your satisfaction as a private seller is our priority, and we are committed to providing you with quality service throughout your collaboration with Gemsquare

    • Is it possible to consign your jewelry to Gemsquare?

      Individual sellers have the option of consigning their jewelry to Gemsquar for a minimum period of 4 months. This approach allows our team of specialists to offer them for sale on our platform. However, we do not accept consignment of jewelry from professional sellers.

      Returned jewelry is subject to our General Conditions and benefits from our insurance coverage until its sale or its return to the seller.

    • What are the fees and commissions associated with selling on Gemsquar?

      Professional Sellers are subject to a commission varying from 10% to 13% of the sales price, depending on their subscription. These fees also include the 3% transaction fee associated with card payments.

      When it comes to private sellers, an 18% commission is applied, covering both the 3% credit card transaction fee and the services offered by Gemsquar.

      We would like to point out that these commissions are intended to cover the operational costs linked to the management of the Gemsquar platform, as well as to guarantee quality service to our sellers.

    • How to consign your jewelry to Gemsquar?

      To consign your jewelry to Gemsquar, please contact our team in advance to initiate the consignment process.

      We strongly recommend that you contact our jewelry advisors who will be happy to support you throughout this process. They will provide you with detailed instructions to ensure secure consignment of your precious jewelry.

      Your satisfaction and the safety of your jewelry are our top priority, and weWe are committed to providing you with professional and attentive service at every stage of consignment.

    • What to do in case of loss or damage during transport?

      Gemsquar declines all responsibility in the event of loss or damage occurring during the shipment of your jewelry. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any incidents that occur during transport organized by you.

      To prevent any disputes with your customers, we strongly recommend that you take photographs of each item before shipping. These photos will be used to document the initial condition of the jewelry and to avoid any possible misunderstanding.

      It is important to emphasize that when Gemsquar organizes the shipment of the jewelry, it is covered by our insurance or that of our carrier, until its delivery, depending on the value indicated on the invoice.

      We strongly encourage you to purchase adequate shipping insurance to protect you against any potential loss or damage in transit.

      If you encounter a problem or have a complaint, our team is at your disposal to assist you in resolving the situation and finding the best possible solution, within the limits of our possibilities.

    • What is the minimum consignment period for my jewelry put up for sale?

      We offer a consignment service for the sale of your new or used jewelry, with a minimum consignment period of 4 months.

      If you wish to end the sale and request a return of your items before this time expires, please note that Gemsquar will charge fees associated with cataloging, advertising, handling, reconditioning, etc. services. These costs can reach up to 200 CHF per piece of jewelry or accessory offered for sale.

      We invite you to contact us for more information on early return fees and the conditions associated with this procedure.

      At Gemsquar, our goal is to provide you with transparent and professional service throughout the entire jewelry consignment process.

    • How do I determine the selling price of my second-hand jewelry?

      The selling price of your second-hand rings will be established by our experts, taking into account the average online market price. It is important to note that Gemsquar cannot be held responsible for price differences between those offered on our second-hand jewelry sales platform and those available on other websites.

      Before proceeding with the consignment and sale of your jewelry, we ask you to provide us with written confirmation by email, either by accepting the desired sale price, or by accepting our recommended price.

      At Gemsquar, we are committed to providing you with a professional and transparent service. To ensure mutual agreement on sales prices, we recommend that you take the time to check and confirm prices before listing your used rings for sale.

    • How is consignment jewelry authenticated at Gemsquar?

      At Gemsquar, we provide you with a team of jewelry experts, made up of certified gemologists and jewelry specialists, to guarantee the authenticity of your gold and precious stone jewelry.

      Upon receipt of your jewelry, our team carries out an in-depth expertise based on three essential criteria: conformity with its description, the authenticity of the item and the authenticity of the precious stones.

      In order to protect our customers, we are prepared to have your jewelry examined by its home of origin or by an independent laboratory for additional authentication, if necessary.

      It is important to emphasize that at Gemsquar we do not offer the sale of jewelry, accessories or pieces of jewelry considered to be copies or counterfeits.

      Trust Gemsquare to benefit from authentic expertise for your gold and precious stone jewelry!

    • VSHow do I cancel a transaction?

      You can request cancellation of a transaction at any time by contacting us by email. Please note that the possibility of cancellation depends on the transaction status and specific conditions may apply.

      If your cancellation request is received before the item is sold on our site, we will remove the item from our online sales catalog.

      However, if the cancellation request occurs after the transaction has been concluded and the item has not yet been shipped to the customer, Gemsquar reserves the right to charge you its usual commission on the sale price, as well as the cost of insured return of the item to your home.

      At Gemsquar, we are committed to processing all cancellation requests diligently and providing you with specific information relating to your situation.

      Please note that restrictions may apply depending on the specific circumstances of each transaction. Do not hesitate to contact us for more details on the cancellation procedure and possible financial consequences

    • How can I collect my returnable jewelry from Gemsquare?

      You can request the return of your jewelry returned to Gemsquar at any time.

      It is important to note that Gemsquar does not charge any return costs when the minimum consignment period of 4 months is respected.

      However, in the event that you wish to request the return of your jewelry before the expiration of this minimum period, Gemsquar reserves the right to charge fees associated with the cancellation of the sale, as well as the costs of return shipping and insurance.

      Please note that the cost of returning the item may vary depending on its value and can be up to 300 Swiss francs, insurance included.

      At Gemsquar, we are committed to providing you with all the necessary information regarding the procedure for returning your returnable jewelry. Do not hesitate to contact us for more details on the specific fees applicable to your situation

    • What happens when my jewelry is not sold?

      At Gemsquar, we consign jewelry and accessories for a maximum period of 6 months.

      At the end of this period, jewelry and jewelry accessories that have not been sold will be returned to the seller, without additional costs being charged for return costs and insurance.

      Gemsquar undertakes to insure the jewelry until its return to the seller and to inform the latter when shipping, providing a tracking number for tracking the shipment.

      We do everything we can to guarantee professional and transparent management of your items, and we remain at your disposal to answer all your questions regarding the process of returning your jewelry and accessories.

    • How does Gemsquar pay for your jewelry sales?

      At Gemsquar, all payments are made directly to the member's bank account. In the interest of security, we do not currently offer other payment methods.

      We ensure that payments are processed securely and quickly, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience for our members.

      If you have specific questions regarding payment terms or would like additional information about our payment procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and provide you with the information you need.

    • How long does it take to receive payment for my sale?

      Payment will be credited to your bank account within 2-5 business days from Gemsquare receiving payment confirmation.

      It is important to note that payment will only be made after the customer has received their order and the minimum 3 day return period has passed, without anyreturn request has been made by the customer.

      At Gemsquar, we strive to process payments efficiently and quickly, ensuring a smooth experience for our sellers. If you have any additional questions regarding the payment process or processing times, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and address your concerns